How to Get Financial Assistance

  1. If you intend to file an application, please call ahead for an appointment as this can be time consuming.
  2. Once you've made your appointment, fill out the Intake Form.
Download Complete Financial Assistance Packet
Intake Form

Getting Financial Assistance

The veteran service officers in Kankakee County VAC office are your advocates. If you are an honorably discharged veteran, we will assist in determining if you are eligible to receive veteran’s assistance. Our office will refer and assist you in procuring benefits from other entities such as IDES, DHS, and Social Security Administration. If you qualify, we pick up where all other agencies leave off by providing limited fixed rate benefits consisting of the bare necessities of life such as shelter, utilities, and food allowances. However, our program is not intended as an ongoing support program that can be utilized for a considerable length of time.

During the comprehensive application process, there is a list of documentation that you will be required to furnish including a copy of your discharge. If you are unemployed you MUST bring your Job Service documents with you. If you are not employable due to a medical condition you MUST produce your application for Social Security Disability or VA unemployability. Intended applicants who are currently receiving any form of aid from any other government agency are not eligible to receive full assistance from our office. We won’t tolerate duplication of benefits because redundancy is a waste of the tax payer’s money.

If you intend to file an application, please call ahead for an appointment as this can be time consuming. Once you've made your appointment, return to this website and click on Intake Form. There you will find a list of items you will need to furnish in order to begin the application process.

Financial / Emergency Assistance

  • Rent / Mortgage payments
  • Utility payments
  • Food/Family essentials
  • Indigent burial expenses
  • Miscellaneous disability care expenses
  • Homeless/Transitional housing referrals
  • Transportation (bus tokens)
  • Other assistance as needed and as available

Assistance Program Information

This program is designed to assist Indigent Veterans and their families who meet income guidelines and/or emergency standards of indigence. Standards of indigence are set by the Veterans Assistance Commission.

The program is NOT permanent assistance or an ongoing financial supportive program.

The Veteran must provide proof of Honorable Discharge (DD-214), along with proof of current residency within Kankakee County, and must meet eligibility guidelines.

All assistance is paid by voucher directly to the vendor. Cash or checks are never provided.

Assistance is NOT available to pay past due balances, turn on/reconnect utilities, or to make down payments/ deposits for first and last month's rent.

Any payment amounts above any assistance awarded to avoid shut-off/disconnect are the responsibility of the applicant/co-applicant. Proof of payment is required before vouchers can be issued.

All eligible applicants must complete a written application and must provide additional documentation.

The Veteran must be listed on all utility statements, rental agreements/leases, and any other documents or statements.

Non-Qualification Information

  • Reserve or National Guard Duty for Training Only
  • Applicant receiving assistance from other governmental agencies (i.e., federal, state, county, or township programs)
  • Full or part-time students will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis

Veterans able to work are required to participate in the Veterans Assistance Commission Jobs Program and must register with IDES and Illinois Skills Match. If Veteran is claiming he/she is unable to work, Veteran must apply for Social Security, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or a VA Pension. Veteran must have a physician’s note describing the disability, the limitations and/or restrictions, and the release date or the anticipated recovery time with return-to-work date.

Applicants should call to schedule a financial assistance appointment. Walk-ins will not be taken due to scheduled appointments.